Artist of the Heart and Soul
Welcome to my website, a space where I share my art and offer beautiful quality prints for sale to those who feel a special connection to it.
My art is soul-generated: intuitive, wonderfully surprising, guided by heart and soul. I hope you find something that resonates with you!
— Kurt Oravecz

Mysterious Current
Trusting the Current: A Soul-Guided Painting
I set out to create a painting with no preconceived image in mind —just an open heart and a willingness to receive something that might bring insight into my life. As I ceded control of the brushes and paints to move freely across the canvas, soft forms and shifting colors emerged, blending in unexpected ways. What took shape reminded me of a flowing stream, steadily and resolutely moving in one direction.
Though the progression was smooth . . .

Breast Love
A Soulful Brushstroke: Art, Healing & Love for the Breast
I recently painted a piece with a clear intention in mind—to encourage healing and love for the human breast. But while the purpose was set, the image that emerged was completely unplanned. It was as if my soul took over, guiding my brush in ways I hadn’t anticipated. This piece was created in honor of many beloved women in my family who've dealt with breast cancer—and for the many women and men I don’t know who have faced or are facing this journey.
A tribute to their strength . . .

When Rain Takes Shape: The Art of Longing and Renewal
Many years ago, during a relentless drought, I felt an urge to paint - to connect with, and visually express, the energy of rain. As I let the brush move, a title whispered itself into my awareness: The Incredible Structure of Rain. It was as if the painting already existed, waiting to be revealed.
What emerged on the canvas was an unexpected blend of geometric forms and free-flowing asymmetry. Structure and movement . . .

Prostate Love
Painting My Way to Healing: A Soul’s Brushstroke on Prostate Love
I never expected a painting to become part of my healing journey, but here I am. One day, I got out my acrylics and a piece of cold press watercolor paper - not with a plan, not with an image in mind, just a deep knowing that my prostate needed something beyond words. So I let go, dipped my brush in color, let my hands move freely, and something surprising happened.
At first, the idea of consciously loving my prostate felt strange and abstract. It wasn’t something I came up with on my own . . .

Money Spirit
The Spirit of Money: My Sense of a Living, Breathing Presence
In 1998, after several years of creating soul-generated drawings, I set the intention to draw an image of the spirit of money. I had no preconceived vision - no expectation of what it would look like. I simply invited it to reveal itself to me.
What appeared was surprising, yet deeply resonant . . .

Grace Unfolding
Grace Unfolding: A Painting Led by The Divine
Some paintings begin with a specific intent or at least a vague sense of direction. Grace Unfolding was not one of them. This piece emerged from a place beyond thought - a soul-generated creation that came into being as I surrendered to the Divine and let the process take over.
It was August of 2019. I remember feeling a sense of . . .