Mysterious Current

Trusting the Current: A Soul-Guided Painting

I set out to create a painting with no preconceived image in mind - just an open heart and a willingness to receive something that might bring insight into my life. As I ceded control of the brushes and paints to move freely across the canvas, soft forms and shifting colors emerged, blending in unexpected ways. What took shape reminded me of a flowing stream, steadily and resolutely moving in one direction.

Though the progression was smooth, distinct variations and shifts in color appeared. These variations seemed to symbolize the different situations I encounter concurrently on my personal journey. The painting also suggested a reflection of my life’s evolving path, traveling alongside kindred spirits, not always on the same exact course but moving in parallel, each following our own unique current.

The future is always uncertain, no matter how much I try to plan or analyze. That vagueness invites interpretation. I can try to cling to the shore in hopes of safety. I can resist the current, paddling upstream. I can seek out a different stream altogether. Or I can surrender, trusting The Divine at the helm, allowing myself to be carried by the mysterious current.

This painting reminds me that life’s flow is ever-changing, and my choices shape how I experience the journey.


Design coach, digital and physical product designer. My experience is rooted in Silicon Valley technology design with an emphasis on human centered practices and visual design. Throughout my career, I have led cross-functional teams in Fortune 500 companies such as Apple, Adobe and Microsoft as well as high-growth start-ups like Lily AI where I led the UX research and design team recently.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

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